
Thisextensionletsyoumakehighlightsonanywebpage,andsubsequentlyattemptstorestorethosehighlightswhenyourevisitthepage.Thisprocessis ...,Makepermanent,privatehighlightsonanywebpage.Thisextensionletsyoumakehighlightsonanywebpage,andsubsequentlyattemptsto ...,Achromeextensionwhichhighlightstextonawebpage,andattemptstorestoreitonreturning.License.GPL-3.0license.,Chrome線上應用程式商店內的SuperSimple...

Super Simple Highlighter

This extension lets you make highlights on any web page, and subsequently attempts to restore those highlights when you revisit the page. This process is ...

Super Simple Highlighter

Make permanent, private highlights on any web page. This extension lets you make highlights on any web page, and subsequently attempts to ...


A chrome extension which highlights text on a web page, and attempts to restore it on returning. License. GPL-3.0 license.

Super Simple Highlighter 在Chrome 網頁上標記文字

Chrome 線上應用程式商店內的Super Simple Highlighter軟體,可在Chrome網頁上,標記網頁上的文字,並可唸出標記好的文字,但缺點是大約只能唸出25至28個 ...

Super Simple Highlighter

This extension lets you make highlights on any web page, and subsequently attempts to restore those highlights when you revisit the page.

Web link - Super Simple Highlighter

This is an extension that can highlight blocks of text on a webpage, and attempt to restore them on each visit.

Help - Super Simple Highlighter

To make a highlight, select the text on the web page as you normally would, then right-click, and choose the highlight style from the Super Simple Highlighter ...

Super Simple Highlighter Chrome Extension Tutorial

Learn how to use the free Chrome extension Super Simple Highlighter to manage information and highlight key details across websites!